CSA plans

April 13th, 2011 by caitlyn

Now that the zoning legislation has officially passed and we will soon be allowed to sell our produce, we are excited to be putting together the beginnings of our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) subscription program! (More history about the CSA model here). To start, the program will function on a week-by-week basis where customers can place orders one week at a time (as opposed to a more traditional CSA model where subscribers invest for an entire season up front). This will allow us time to broaden and diversify our membership as much as we can before we start taking subscriptions, and it will allow customers to sample our boxes before committing. We’ll be implementing a sliding scale model.

Each week the box will include a bag of salad greens, cooking greens, roots and herbs, as well as some form of communication (newsletter, artwork, recipe, etc) related to either the produce or the farm in general. As the season wears on, it will be very important to us to be able to share both our farm experiences and financial figures to supporters of the farm.

If you live in San Francisco and you are interested in future CSA boxes, please send us an email (littlecitygardens@gmail.com) with the subject SALAD BOX and we’ll send you more information as we put together this program.

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