
October 12th, 2010 by caitlyn

Now that the fields are mowed and tilled, we’re scrambling to get our larger perennial areas and pathways sheet mulched before the weeds sprout back up. Thanks to the always-overflowing recycling bin of our nearby neighborhood market, we’ve been bringing in truckloads of flattened cardboard to lay onto the soil. It’s time intensive, but it will save us a lot of weeding (and watering) later on.

Also, as we continue to clear the fields, we’ve been digging up many concrete pieces – perfect material for the floor of our greenhouse!

In the past few weeks we’ve sown some cover crop, dug beds, hauled cardboard, spread manure, planted artichokes, cabbage and kale, mulched our main pathways, planted flowering herbs at the front gate, and more! A farm is forming.

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